“EKOFRITHERM-35” SOLAR is a clear liquid, tinted pale red, for use as a heat transfer medium in solar heating, especially those exposed to high thermal loads.

Its antifreeze action is provided by the toxicologically harmless 1.2-propylene glycol. The product is premixed ready for use with deionized water to give a frost resistance of about -35°C.

Ekofritherm-35 SOLAR was developed because of the increased use of vacuum collectors, which have a high stand-still temperature of up to +230°C. “Ekofritherm-35” SOLAR also contains corrosion inhibitors that protect the metals of the cooling and heating systems, even in combined systems, permanently against corrosion and prevent the formation of boiler scale. It is inhibited with non-toxic corrosion inhibitors and is nitrite-, amine- and phosphate-free. Suitable in use with all standard seal materials.

Do not use the product in galvanized pipelines as all glycol/water mix-tures can dissolve zinc and precipitate as zinc glycolate. Permanent usage temperatures: ca. -35 bis +168°C. Ekofritherm has a storage stability of at least three years, if stored in closed original packaging.

“Ekofritherm-35” SOLAR is supplied in 10, 25 L canisters, 210 L plastic drums.



Vien. Reģ. Nr.: LV 53603021711
Jur. adrese: Rūpnīcu iela 3, Olaine,
Olaines nov., LV-2114
Konts: LV20 UNLA 0050 0046 64251
A/S SEB banka , Jelgavas fil. kods UNLA LV2x
