Lighter fluid (parafine)

Product is intended for charcoal, wood chips briquettes and firewood ignition in fireplace, grill, furnace and bonfire. During combustion are produced environmentally friendly products: fluid paraffin (CAS Nr. 64771-72-8) 

Coal and firewood should be evenly doused by liquid. After that, when coal (firewood) absorbs liquid, ignite it.


Vien. Reģ. Nr.: LV 53603021711
Jur. adrese: Rūpnīcu iela 3, Olaine,
Olaines nov., LV-2114
Konts: LV20 UNLA 0050 0046 64251
A/S SEB banka , Jelgavas fil. kods UNLA LV2x
