Due to modern detergents the fluid is effectively cleans screens of dirt, fat (oil) and other organic compounds. It’s also provides environmental safety.
- WINDSCREEN WASHER FLUID are inactive to paint films, resins and plastic components of the vehicles. To be used at the temperature above 0°С.
- WINDSCREEN WASHER FLUID don’t contain methanol.
- WINDSCREEN WASHER FLUID is supplied in 1, 4, 5, 10, 25 L canisters, 210 L plastic drums and in 1000 L IBC.
Ziemas vējstiklu tīrīšanas līdzeklis -20 C0
Uzmanību! Flam. Liq. 2 – Uzliesmojošs šķidrums, 2. bīstamības kategorija. Eye Irrit. 2 - Nopietni bojājumi acīm/Acu kairinājums, 2. bīstamības kategorija. H225 Ļoti viegli uzliesmojošs šķidrums un tvaiki. H319 Izraisa nopietnu acu kairinājumu.