Winter (-20°С -30°С, concentrate)

WINDSCREEN WASHER FLUID (Summer) is a mixture of demineralised water and performance additives, fragrance components and colorants.

Due to modern detergents the fluid is effectively cleans screens of dirt, fat (oil) and other organic compounds. It’s also provides environmental safety.

  • WINDSCREEN WASHER FLUID are inactive to paint films, resins and plastic components of the vehicles. To be used at the temperature above 0°С.
  • WINDSCREEN WASHER FLUID don’t contain methanol.
  • WINDSCREEN WASHER FLUID is supplied in 1, 4, 5, 10, 25 L canisters, 210 L plastic drums and in 1000 L IBC.

Ziemas vējstiklu tīrīšanas līdzeklis -20 C0


Uzmanību! Flam. Liq. 2 – Uzliesmojošs šķidrums, 2. bīstamības kategorija. Eye Irrit. 2 - Nopietni bojājumi acīm/Acu kairinājums, 2. bīstamības kategorija. H225 Ļoti viegli uzliesmojošs šķidrums un tvaiki. H319 Izraisa nopietnu acu kairinājumu.


Vien. Reģ. Nr.: LV 53603021711
Jur. adrese: Rūpnīcu iela 3, Olaine,
Olaines nov., LV-2114
Konts: LV20 UNLA 0050 0046 64251
A/S SEB banka , Jelgavas fil. kods UNLA LV2x
