Ready to use automotive coolant suitable for all types of modern cooling systems in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Contains premium corrosion additives for optimal corrosion prevention for all metals and metal alloys including aluminium in cooling systems. Doesn't eat away at plastic and rubber components of the cooling system. Special additives prevents not only corrosion but also laminations and deposits in the cooling. Protects the cooling system at temperatures up to -36°C. Contains ethylene glycol, demineralised water and additives.
- ASTM D 4985, ASTM D 3306;
- SAE J 1034;
- BS 6580 (UK);
- NATO S759;
- CUNA NC 956-16(I);
- Afnor R 15/601(F)
Antifreeze-36 (GREEN) is supplied in 1, 4, 5, 10, 25 L canisters, 210 L plastic drums and in 1000 L IBC.
Dzesēšanas šķidrums “Antifrīzs -36 C0”, G11
Uzmanību! Acute Tox. 4 (orāli) – Akūts toksiskums (orāli), 4. bīstamības kategorija. STOT RE 2 - Toksiska ietekme uz mērķorgānu – atkārtota iedarbība, 2. bīstamības kategorija. H302 Kaitīgs, ja norij. H373 Var izraisīt aknu bojājumus pēc ilgstošas vai atkārtotas iedarbības, ja norīts.